Lithium — Brazil

Mars Mines Project Areas
Geological Address

Lithium Province from Nigeria to southern Brazil

Exploration areas: Iguatu, Sao Braz, Bandarra, Logradouro, Serrote Verde, Cerro Cora – Porta D’Agua

Structural controls relevant  in all areas.

Pegmatite minerals including LCT minerals present at all areas.

Sigma Lithium and Latin Resources lithium projects area in Brazil are shown for reference.


Lithium Areas - North East Brazil

The map shows the position of Nigeria and NE Brazil before the Atlantic Ocean developed.

Geology on both sides of the Atlantic is very similar, even major faults can be correlated.

Well organized data in Brazil has been compiled to allow the pegmatite belts to be identified in this region.

Mars Mines is focusing on ground acquisition in these belts, which have been underexplored despite abundant signs of LCT type pegmatite occurrence and sparse rock analyses which show the presence of lithium, identification of spodumene and association with other minerals common in LCT pegmatites.

The lithium pegmatites in Nigeria are well known and have been put into production previously by artisanal miners. Mars is achieving excellent results in its Nigerian tenements.

Over 3000 lithium pegmatites are known in Nigeria, many more may be present in Brazil.


Lithium Areas - North East Brazil

Six areas selected, all within the Brasiliano Orogen, a Lithium productive province in the Brazil and Nigeria.

Tenements all lie in major structural zones that were remobilized in the Brasiliano Orogen.

Pegmatite minerals, including tantalum, an index mineral for LCT pegmatites, are recorded in and around all the tenement areas selected.


Lithium Potential - Iguatu - Ceará, Brazil

The Iguatu region has reworked Archaean and Lower Proterozoic basement that was extensively reactivated in the Late Precambrian with intrusion of Cambrian age granites, the known lithium mineralizers in the Eastern Brazil Lithium Belt..

Mars tenements for Lithium, shown with yellow fill, cover a series of known pegmatites and other adjacent areas that are considered highly prospective for lithium.

Other tenement holders in the area are searching for base metals and iron as well as magnesite.


Li applications – Iguatu Metallogenetic Map

  • Lithium-Copper tenements (purple) strategically chosen locations to cover known pegmatites (blue rectangles in the map) in the regionally prospective Braziliano orogenic belt.

  • Structural control favorable for pegmatite emplacement, which are potentially tabular bodies and have a preferred orientation either parallel or normal to these principal structural directions.


Li applications – São Braz

  • Lithium tenement was designed to follow the pegmatite belt in this area, which was not in the area tested by the CPRM in their small regional lithium survey area in a parallel structural belt to the east.

  • The tenement has two known occurrences of pegmatite related minerals as well as numerous occurrences of pegmatite minerals to the south along strike.

  • Exploration will concentrate on locating the known occurrences in parallel to regional drainage sampling to locate more pegmatites.


Li applications – Bandarra

  • Lithium tenement was designed to follow the pegmatite belt in this area, which was not in the area tested by the CPRM in their small regional lithium survey area in a parallel structural belt to the east.

  • The tenement has two known occurrences of pegmatite related minerals along strike as well as scattered occurrences of pegmatite minerals to the north along strike.

  • Exploration will concentrate on regional drainage sampling to locate more pegmatites.


Li applications – Logradouro

  • Lithium tenement was designed to follow the pegmatite belt in this area, which is in the area tested by the CPRM in their small regional lithium survey area

  • The tenement has a known occurrences of tantalum, an index element in LCT pegmatites as well as numerous occurrences of tantalum to the north along strike, including one occurrence of lithium.

  • Exploration will concentrate on regional drainage sampling and satellite imagery studies to locate more pegmatites.  


Li applications – Serrote Verde

  • Lithium tenement was designed to follow the pegmatite belt in this area, which is outside the area tested by the CPRM in their small regional lithium survey area.

  • The tenement has a known occurrences of tantalum, an index element in LCT pegmatites as well as scattered occurrences of tantalum to the south along strike, including one occurrence of lithium.

  • Exploration will concentrate on locating the known tantalum source pegmatite as well as regional drainage sampling and satellite imagery studies to locate more pegmatites.


Li applications – Cerro Cora & Porta D’Agua

  • Lithium tenements were designed to follow the pegmatite belt in this area, which is outside the area tested by the CPRM in their small regional lithium survey area, although pegmatites were sampled but not analyzed for lithium.

  • The tenement has a known occurrences of tantalum, an index element in LCT pegmatites as well as scattered occurrences of tantalum, beryl and feldspar to the north and south along strike, including one occurrence of lithium.

  • Exploration will concentrate on locating the known pegmatite as well as regional drainage sampling and satellite imagery studies to locate more pegmatites.  

Sadya Liberow

Hi! I’m Sadya!

I’m passionate graphic designer — keen on taking on any fun and creative project. 

Branding — Websites — Print or Digital Design — you name it, I’ve done it! Many times. Each time different. Each times fresh. Each time passionately.

I specialise in design for non-profits, finance and hospitality. That being said, as someone who craves new opportunities, I am excited to take on any project, big or small, any industry — and throw all my experience, skills and love at it :)

I look forward to impressing you and creating something you’ll be very proud of!


Lithium — Nigeria